Success stories

No booth? No problem!
A MOVE Com success story
Together with our interpreters, fine Expression offers the best service for your multilingual online events!
After completing numerous successful events interpreted via MOVE Com, we asked the interpreters involved for their feedback.
Their experiences with this service from fine Expression speak for themselves!
The interpreters loved the technology’s reliability, and how simple and intuitive it was to use. And they were also impressed with the expert support provided by the fine Expression team, which allowed them to concentrate fully on their work.
We want to keep developing and improving MOVE Com, so we always appreciate feedback and ideas for our IT team to implement.
“I enjoy working with MOVE Com, and collaborating with fine Expression is always very pleasant,” says interpreter Regina Baumert.
At larger events, there are always at least two interpreters who take turns and support each other.
During analogue events, they would normally be able to see each other and communicate through gestures – so one interpreter suggested adding a small window to the MOVE Com interface that is only visible to the interpreters and allows them to maintain visual contact during the event.
They also emphasised how much their interpreting performance depends on audio quality. In the run-up to the event, we therefore advise clients to ask speakers to use corded headsets wherever possible, as this makes them much easier to understand.
Given the vital role that interpreters play in the platform’s success, we are delighted that they find it so easy to work effectively with MOVE Com.
Thank you for your valuable comments and suggestions – we will put them into practice!
App-solute efficiency
fine Expression developed a custom translation app for an international automotive giant, revolutionising established, resource-intensive translation workflows.
We look back:
Once a month, our translators were invited to the client’s research and development centre to validate and translate labels for navigation systems into 19 languages.
The labels were translated in an Excel spreadsheet and imported into the navigation system for checking. The feedback from this step was then compiled in a spreadsheet and sent to our translators for a final review.
The result? Numerous loops, a monstrous spreadsheet and inefficient workflows.
Working closely with our client’s contact, CTO Bastian Graff and the IT experts from fine Expression began developing an app-based solution.
The texts can now be managed and uploaded via a browser on a PC or smartphone. Once the languages have been assigned, each native-speaker translator in the team receives an automated notification and a personal task list.
But that’s not all: The app is also linked to the translation memory stored in fine Expression’s Corporate Language Portal, i.e. the international car manufacturer’s own corporate dictionary. All translations and corrections are thus saved directly in the translation memory. Since all translation data is stored online, every member of the international project team can access it – from anywhere, at any time.
And the result? The capability to translate up to 93 per cent more labels in the same time frame.

Working from home together
A new project from a renowned automotive manufacturer in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic?
No problem at all with fine Expression’s experts, a flexible international team and close integration of customers and technology!
As part of our collaboration with an international automotive manufacturer, fine Expression was asked to translate label texts for a vehicle navigation system into three new languages: Greek, Slovenian and Ukrainian. The labels were to be translated and adapted for two car brands at the same time – all while Germany was in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to fine Expression’s global network of translators, choosing the language experts was simple. We normally carry out projects like this at the client’s premises, but the pandemic made this impossible. The difficulties were further compounded by the fact that the fine Expression team was working from home.
Maria Vlashchenko, Senior Project Manager in charge of the cluster project, was actually in Russia at the time, having been trapped when the country closed its borders shortly after she arrived there in March. “While I had everything I needed here to communicate with the translators, clients and colleagues, not being directly on site to discuss and clarify everything with the client in person does present its challenges,” said the project manager.
And she was not the only one: our contacts at the client and the translators were also working from home. To ensure that everyone involved could collaborate openly, quickly and clearly as usual, Bastian Graff, IT expert and CTO at fine Expression, established communication channels via video conferences and other tools.
By working closely with the client and the translators, the team succeeded in completing the project both within the desired time frame and in fine Expression’ usual premium quality.
Go live or go home!
Website relaunch with new corporate language – six weeks, five languages!
Our solution: bespoke teams of native speakers and experts for every language – and support from a dedicated IT team.
An exciting challenge for Senior Project Manager Frauke Kölling:
“The kick-off meeting with all the parties involved immediately made clear what a high priority this project was. In addition to the tight schedule, the client also wanted their brand new corporate language to be implemented in all five languages.”
The first step was to import the content for the website, gradually supplied by the client’s departments, into fine Expression’s Corporate Language Portal. We then integrated the client-specific terminology and the corporate language specifications for the translation teams.
Everyone involved in the project had access to the powerful database at all times. That meant that any changes to content or terminology – however short notice – could be tracked, guaranteeing top-quality translations that conform to the client’s specified terminology in all languages. And all this on a tight schedule!
The result? In the customer’s words:
“Step by step, we achieved our goal. SUPERB! Thank you very much for all your hard work – I really appreciate it!”